Anyone wishing to train with their GSD at Camberley BAGSD, must be a member of BAGSD ( British Association for German Shepherd Dogs). The annual membership fee is as follows:
Each owner wishing to actively train with their dogs(s) must pay for individual memberships.
Current BAGSD membership fees are as follows:
- Single ~ £18.00
- Junior ~ £ 5.00 (junior membership up to the age of 17)
Class fees at Camberley BAGSD are on a pay as you go basis. There is no requirement to book block lessons in advance.
Current class fees are as follows:
Adults and Juniors £4.00 per class
OAPs £3.00 per class
Adult and Junior working more than one dog:
First dog £4.00 Second dog £3.00
OAP working more than one dog:
First dog £3.00 Second dog £2.00
Tea and coffee available all evening for a small charge of 50p per cup. We also serve cold drinks and cans, and biscuits and crisps (for a small fee).